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CEDAR Torque Tester DI-1M-IP200

CEDAR Torque Tester DI-1M-IP200

Model Kapasitas <% k.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+k.slice(1) %>
No Brand
Harga Pasar
Rp <% 29630000.00 | rupiah %>

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Min. Pemesanan <% item.minimum_order %>

Suitable for Oil pulse, Air Tools, Torque Wrench

torque measured value is displayed as the number of blows within fixed time. Since it is light

weight and small, it installs in a work line and an effect is demonstrated to the scheduled inspection of a tool.

Cap.3.0~200 N・m

Accuracy ±0.5% (499 digit or less ±3digit)

*Measurement of an impact tool is with 60% or less of torque of a measurement maximum

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CEDAR Torque Tester DI-1M-IP200
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