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UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply Orion - Vortex V-1500

UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply Orion - Vortex V-1500

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Orion Heavy Duty UPS System

Item: Line Interactive UPS
Type: Vortex V-1500
Capacity: 1500VA/ 900W
Input Voltage: 145VAC - 290VAC
Output Voltage: 200VAC - 255VAC
Output Frequency: 50Hz
Output Wave Form: PWM (Battery Mode)
Transfer time: Typical 2-6ms, 10ms max
Battery Rating: 12V/ 9Ah x 2
Charging Period: 4-6 hours to 90% capacity
Backup Time: 10-15 Minutes
Noise Level: Less than 45dB
Environment of performance: Temparature 0°C~40°C, Humidity 20%~90%
Weight: 10.3 Kg
Case built-in: Metal
Dimension: 40.5 x 19.5 x 28cm
Warranty: 1 Year


• CPU Controlled
• Auto restart when AC recovers
• Silence setup
• Automatic charging (offline charging)
• Battery low voltage protection
• Overload & short circuit protection
• Wide input voltage range
• Cold start function
• Inverter compatible
• Boost and buck AVR for voltage stabilization
• Excellent microprocessor control 

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